The Theme for our semester long blog is "Spirits" the drinking type.

Welcome to our blog. In this semester long blog we will share our opinions on how "Spirits" (Beer, Alcohol) have evolved thru the past, present and future, including views on the impact on Society, a Cultural view, and the Scientific perspective. We hope that you will enjoy our blog.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heineken Beer Serving Robot of the Future

You might think this sounds strange but at Middlesex University they have managed to create a robotic serving robot which means you don’t need to walk far at all to get your beer. Actually scrap that you will be able to stay on the Sofa and be served, this also might just be perfect for those house parties.
We humans will be able to hover our hands over the sensor in the head to stop the robot then just place your cup in the holder ready to be filled. It will then continue along its serving path ready for the next refill. This has to be assigning of things to come and looks very interesting for the future development of robots. Unfortunately this is still prototype but it can’t be much longer before these handy robots come on the market for real.

Heineken Bot was developed at the Autonomous Systems Lab in the Product Design and Engineering department of Middlesex University. Originally developed to exhibit at Kinetica Art Fair London, the Heineken Robot is an autonomous mobile system for serving beer.


  1. I think this is amazing. Today they have a robot that serves beer, tomorrow they will probably have a human look-a-like robot that will serve all kinds of things at human proficiency. This is scary to think of since robotics going that far could greatly impact what jobs are available to humankind and possibly eventually change the job market to all jobs in a virtual environment.

  2. I like this robot a lot! I think this invention is real neat and cool, but I think this type of creation just makes are society even lazier. Instead of making people get up and walk over for a beer there are now robots that will serve us. This makes us even lazier and fatter. Let our society do things for themselves and not always making it easier for us but this is what people want.

  3. I think this robot is a cool idea! It's easier for us to get a refill because you don't have to walk around looking for beer; it comes to you. I think it's really smart and alot of people would use it.

  4. This is ridiculous. I probably wouldn’t be too far off if I said that the people who made this probably like beer way too much. They might just get wasted at least a few times a month. I won’t deny robotics its place in society, because there are much more useful ways to spend money that can better society. I’m sure though that many would say that building a beer serving robot is a benefit to society, so that’s why we’ll continue making machines like this. Hopefully they can find something more useful though for it to do.

  5. i think the beer robot is one cool thing. over time bars will have this one day and will be able to serve beer to anyone but could also have a id swipe so beer will be able to be served to people over the age of 21. it also will make the world a even lazier place but with technology that is what will happen and continue to happen. very good find and post.

  6. I never knew robots could be capable to serve beet to anyone. It is an interesting invention that I think will revolutionize alcohol industries. If these robots become popular, I wonder if they will put bartender out of their jobs. Only time will tell.

  7. I do like robot idea, but I am worrying about if it will be come true in the future, more people who lack of self control will be in a big trouble because some of them will over drinking and some of then will be obese.
