The Theme for our semester long blog is "Spirits" the drinking type.

Welcome to our blog. In this semester long blog we will share our opinions on how "Spirits" (Beer, Alcohol) have evolved thru the past, present and future, including views on the impact on Society, a Cultural view, and the Scientific perspective. We hope that you will enjoy our blog.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Study: Early Response to Alcohol Hints Future Habits

Study: Early Response to Alcohol Hints Future Habits
As per the findings of a new study conducted by the researchers from the University of Chicago, the effect of alcohol is different on the people with different drinking habits.
It has also been claimed that the early response to the alcohol can largely determine the person’s drinking habits in the latter years.
It is learnt that more than 200 adults were recruited for the study purpose. All the subjects in the trial group were within the age bracket of 21 to 35 years and were categorized into two groups of light and heavy drinkers.
It was then found that where the heavy drinkers experienced greater sensitivity to the rewarding and stimulating effects of alcohol, the people who prefer to go easy on the liquor reported stronger alcohol-related sluggishness and sedation.
In addition, the people were willing to exacerbate their binge drinking habits during the two year follow-up period were more likely to have experienced positive and stimulating effects of alcohol hinting that the future drinking habits can be predicted this way.
The author of the research, Andrea King stated, “If we know more about who's going to become a problem drinker, we may be able to prevent future escalations and intervene earlier, before development of severe alcoholism”.

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