The Theme for our semester long blog is "Spirits" the drinking type.

Welcome to our blog. In this semester long blog we will share our opinions on how "Spirits" (Beer, Alcohol) have evolved thru the past, present and future, including views on the impact on Society, a Cultural view, and the Scientific perspective. We hope that you will enjoy our blog.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Huski Beverage Chiller

Some guy named Kent Hodgson invented a little pen-sized device that can cool your brew in seconds. You just drop it in your beer and start drinking. Here’s what the nerd has to say about it: “You have plastic cooling cells which are pressed down into the dock which houses the liquid carbon dioxide. The liquid CO2 expands and is pressurized into dry ice in the base of the cooling cells … in a moment. You then pop it into your drink and then proceed from there as you normally would.”


  1. The Way of the World and Kathy, I absolutely loved this post. Who would imagine a pen sized cooler for your beer. Beer will never be warm again in the future. I also love the name "pen-size chiller", how original. Leave it to the beer drinkers to invent something so new and original. Thank you for the great post. Mary Ann Reday.
