The Theme for our semester long blog is "Spirits" the drinking type.

Welcome to our blog. In this semester long blog we will share our opinions on how "Spirits" (Beer, Alcohol) have evolved thru the past, present and future, including views on the impact on Society, a Cultural view, and the Scientific perspective. We hope that you will enjoy our blog.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tired of waiting in line for a beer?

Not anymore, this method allows beer to fill up from the bottom of the cup through a special magnetic closure.

Societal impact, no more waiting in long lines for your favorite over-priced beverage. This is quite a breakthrough scientifically speaking, the cup will fill up much faster then the old way of doing it.


  1. With science and technology people do not have to wait in line a long time for beer now. They came out with this machine that fills up cups from the bottom up and takes 2 seconds to fill up making waiting less time for beer lovers. Only problem with this is a magnet holds the beer in the cup at the bottom and if you touch the magnet the wrong way the beer comes out all over you.

  2. Once again technology is forever revolving, making our lives simpler. Creativity is endless and full of inovating ideas.What will be next? New technology is providing society with their needs. We are a society that needs and wants instant gratification.
